• Riccardo Barilla
  • Giambattista Bodoni
  • Vittorio Bottego
  • Cardinal Ferrari
  • Giovannino Guareschi
  • Padre Lino Maupas
  • Maria Luigia d'Austria
  • Parmigianino
  • Renzo Pezzani
  • Arturo Toscanini
  • Giuseppe Verdi

  • Gazzetta di Parma

  • Padre Lino

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    Lino Maupas, Franciscan monk, born in Spalato in Dalmazia, on 30 August 1866 and died in Parma at the Barilla pasta factory on 14 May 1924. Father Giovanni Maupas was a descendant of a famous, noble, French family and would have liked to have had a son as a lawyer, but Lino chose instead a religious life. His mother, Rosa Marini of Avezzano, was a well-known actress and Lino inherited from her a rich interior, a love for all creatures and the gift in being able to see the goodness which is hidden in each person. He finished his novitiate at Fucecchio and went to live in Albania. Then he went to Bologna mainly to remedy his sight (he was operated in one eye).

    He arrived in Parma on 18 June 1893. Firstly, he became Chaplain of the Church of Saint Annunziata and secondly, Chaplain of the "Riformatorio Lambruschini della Certosa" in Via Mantova. Parma in those days was quite poor and turbulent; flees and tuberculosis reigned in certain districts, including outlaws' hide-outs and dotted with disreputable bars frequented by quarrelsome people. Father Lino was given cell number 38 in the convent of the Annunziata.

    It is from this point onwards that his meticulous and constant, research work began regarding the approaching of the poor, the ignorant, children and whoever was beyond living in a civilised way. In 1898 began the rebellion of the poor, which became ever more violent up until 1907 when Father Lino saved his church from the fury of the people. But it was whilst being the prison's chaplain that the monk received the most affection, especially from people who had become tired with time and not used to loving; then he was given the job of chaplain at the Lambruschini community home and was moved from the convent to the prison.

    Always without protest, refusing food and sleep he was led to a premature old age; in his last years he didn't even have the strength to climb the stairs to enter into his cell and he used to fall asleep on the church floor.

    Then finally, he died in the Barilla pasta factory on 14 May 1924 whilst he was asking the company to take on a young man in need.

    In his pocket they found all his worldly goods: a handful of crumbs.

    On 25 July 1942 began the process of beatification at the "Curia vescovile di Parma", whilst the statue of Father Lino in the cemetery of the Villetta district, is continuously visited by followers asking for miracles.

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