Duomo -
Archangel Raffaele
"Angiol d'or"
Saint Ilario Award 2000
Every year, starting from January 1987, on the occasion of the city's Patronal feast day, "The Saint Ilario Award" is awarded to the citizens:"...who have in some way contributed to improving the life of an individual and of the comunity;and to the raising of the city's prestige.."

(In alphabetical order..)
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

In 2000, the Saint Ilario Award has been awared to:

The city of Parma’s gold medal was awarded to GIAN CARLO ARTONI Born in Parma on the 15th of April 1923, lawyer, poet and literary man ,he is currently Honorary President of the Parma Bar Association, having been a member for forty years and president for sixteen years of its board. He has also been president of Regional Union of Courts of Emilia Romagna for four years. He won the Literary Award “Libero Stampa” of Lugano for his poetical production. He has been among the regular contributors of the “Raccoglitore “ and among the founders and editors of the Rivista Palatina. He has been a member of Parma Town Council for the liberal Party, and afterwards he represented for many years the Bar Association in the Building Commission . He is Vice President, representing the Chamber of Commerce , of the European College of Parma. He took part in the refoundation of ENPA, having always been Vice President of its provincial division.

The city of Parma’s gold medal was awarded to the Mons.FRANCO GRISENTI Ordained priest on 29/6/1946 by Mons. Evasio Colli, Bishop of Parma, he has been parish priest in Berceto for 18 years.; he was named General Vicar of Mons. Amilcare Pasini in 1967 and kept the position during Mons. Benito Cocchi episcopate. His engagement at the top of Parma Episcopal Curia has been characterised by the construction of all the new churches in the outskirts of Parma and the restoration of many worship buildings in the Diocese , among which the Bishop’s Palace, the Cathedral of Berceto and SS.Annunziata church in Parma. He directed the generosity of people and companies towards the main religious buildings of the town- Baptistery, Cathedral, St John the Evangelist - until he obtained the sponsoring for the complete restoration of Baptistery and Basilica Cathedral’s fresco.

The city of Parma’s gold medal was awarded to the cultural association GIUSEPPE NEGRI From 1959 to 1977, as town councillor he ran the Regio Theatre of Parma, promoting several cultural and artistic events ,among which tours abroad: Brussels ,Luxemburg, Canada, Budapest, Philadelphia, Istambul Cuba and Seul. At AGIS he started the Tradition Theatre Association, and was its President for many years , he took part in the Ministerial Music Commission and has been Vice President of Emilia Romagna Theatre Association up to 1981. Founder of Emilia Romagna Symphony Orchestra, he has been its president from 1974 to June 1981. Since 1986 he is Vice President of OSER, Emilia Romagna symphony orchestra “ A.Toscanini”, which is an increased derivation of the former.

The city of Parma’s gold medal was awarded to Prof.MARCELLO ROBUSCHI Born in Parma in 1931, Marcello Robuschi is a leading figure in Parmesan entrepreneurial activities. Managing Director of Robuschi & C. S.p.a. he inherited the factory for production of hydraulic pumps created by his father, developed it and brought it to the highest national and international levels. He held several major assignments inside Sistema Confindustria (Italian Manufacturers’ Associations) and in particular for over 30 year he has been a member of Boards of Directors of Unione Parmense degli Industriali , as delegate of the mechanical industry. Still in the Confindustria field he is a member of the regional board of directors of Emilia Romagna as delegate for small and medium firms.

The Certificate of Civic Merit was awarded to Arch. GUGLIELMO CAPACCHI , He was born in Parma in 1931. Graduated in Modern Arts at Bologna University, he stayed there until 1986 teaching Hungarian language and literature . Collaborator of various scientific and encyclopaedic works he translated the main Hungarian poets Kosztolanyi and Petofi helping their knowledge in Italy. He is member of International Academy of Hungarology and of Italian-Polish Academy “A.Mickiewicz”. Active member of Deputazione di Storia Patria for the province of Parma, he is among the most eminent lovers of dialect and of local Parmesan culture, arguments on which he published many works amidst two volumes of Italian-Parmesan dictionary

The Certificate of Civic Merit was awarded to GRUPPO AGRICOLO CULTURALE “ A.BIZZOZZERO , Cooperative non profit society of agricultural voluntary service, has been formed in 1982, with the aim of helping the cultural growth of their members and of all agricultural workers. Presided over for many years by Cav. Andrea Pezzani , the “A. Bizzozzero “group has very soon increased his activity promoting initiatives towards the agricultural and agro-alimentary section of our territory in cooperation with Commune and the Province of Parma, the Emilia Romagna Region, University, the Chamber of Commerce, U.P.I, as well as with the Public Agrarian Institute “F. Bocchialini” of Parma. Moreover t, he Group deals with promoting Parma traditions and typical products. For seventeen years it has been awarding the “A Bizzozzero” prize for agricultural merits to people who stood out for searching and divulging the new productive economical strategies.

The Certificate of Civic Merit was awarded to Mr. VAPA, V.A.P.A ASSOCIATION (Volunteers Assistance Meals Elderly) began in Parma in 1989, on the initiative of Marisa Faelli Domeniconi, who presides over it so far. Its office is in Parma, via Bixio 107. It depends on the support of 200 volunteers who guarantee their commitment to help at least once a week an elderly person non self sufficient during meal. Such activity is carried out in the facilities run by Istituti Riuniti di Assistenza(IRAIA) at the Palazzone in Baganza street, in the Villa Parma infirmary and in ex Romanini

The Certificate of Civic Merit was awarded to Mr. ANDREA PAINI, Andrea Paini, 43 years old, born and resident in Parma, works at the Commune toponymy office. In 1984 he founded the “Oltretorrente baseball club”, of which is up till now the President. He is regional councillor of the Italian Baseball and Sofballl Federation; he is qualified for FIBS trainer and CONI instructor of first level centres.: During his long managerial career he worked above all to promote the youth sports activities. Last year he won the prize for his activity as sports manager of the Sport National Veteran Union and last December the Panathlon club gave him the ex aequo recognition as the best sports manager in 1999.

The Certificate of Civic Merit was awarded to Mr. PIERPAOLO VESCOVI, Professor Vescovi is a university teacher at the Medical and Surgery Faculty of Parma University and Manager of clinical and experimental alcohology Centre of the department of internal medicine and biomedical science . His commitment has been portrayed mainly by his response to the more acute signs of youth discomfort. He is the author of 322 scientific publications on national and international magazines. Founder member of the association “Il Volo” ( multifamily community for problems linked to alcohol and drugs ), he is the point of reference for the multifamily communities of Emilia Romagna and national manager of the training courses for their operators. He was close to the community “Betania” from the opening, and he is currently manager of the training school for community operators.

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