Who's Who
Premio Sant'Ilario
Guido Barilla
Guido Maria Barilla(1958) ha studiato al Liceo Classico e per due anni negli Stati Uniti. Ha compiuto studi universitari di Filosofia. E' entrato in azienda nel 1982 presso la consociata Barilla France e ha svolto stages negli Stati Uniti.
Dal 1986 ha assunto la responsabilità di Dirigente del Gruppo, occupandosi delle strategie di internalizzazione.
Nel 1988 è entrato nel Consiglio di Amministrazione della Barilla G. e R. F.lli S.p.A. come Vice Presidente e dall'ottobre del 1993 è Presidente della Società.
Home | Who's WhoGuido Maria Barilla(1958) studied at secondary school specializing in classical subjects and he also studied in the United States for two years. He also attended university courses on Philosophy. He joined Barilla G.e R.F.lli S.p.A. in 1982 and began his business career at Barilla France, a subsidiary of the Barilla Group. During this period, he also completed various stages in the United States at different American food companies.
In 1984, he returned to the Group's headquarters in Parma. In 1986, he became a manager and worked on planning the Group's international expansion. That same year he became a member of the Board of Directors of Barilla G. e R. F.lli S.p.A. In 1988, he became Vice Chairman of the Board and since 1993 is Chairman of such Board.
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